General Information
Check IN: at 1 o'clock in the afternoon
Check OUT: at 9 o'clock in the morning
If you arrive early or need to depart later, we will make a room available for you, where you can change your clothes or leave your luggage.
Only by appointment
On the day before your departure we would ask you to pay cash.
After receving the deposite of 30 % of th invoice amount, your reservation is finally fixed
Only valid in writing
General Terms and Conditions for the Hotel Industrie
Only possible in writing! We will also send you a confirmation by way of return. The terms of the international hotel contract conditions also apply. Your deposit cannot be refunded if you cancel your stay at short notice (if we are unable to re-let the apartment). We will charge you the full price of your stay if you decide to depart ahead of schedule.
Our Link- Tipps for you: